Join us for a day of breathing room and dream-time as you create the vision your journey forward!

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Love Collection

Check out the story that inspired this collection by watching the video below

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Rejuvenation Collection

Check out the story that inspired this collection by clicking the button below

Jade woke up Saturday morning feeling “some kind of way”. She made her special coffee and decided to call her friend Ella. She told Ella she was feeling a little down but not sure why. Ella asked her what her plans for the day was and when Jade replied, nothing. Ella suggested she treat herself for the entire day. Go to the spa and get a facial and massage, then go to lunch, next shopping and finish off with dinner and cocktails. Jade laughed and said, you are right! Today is my day! There will be no tears, no doubt, just bliss and more bliss. They both laughed as they hung up the phone.

Jade took a few moments to make her appointments to include dinner reservations at a well-known beautiful rooftop bar/restaurant. She decided to finally wear this outfit she bought on her trip to Sedona where she often goes for meditation retreats. She felt amazing as she entered the spa for her appointment. While signing into the spa, the receptionist asked her if she would be interested in a special event they were hosting with a well-known therapist in the area. Jade inquired, therapist? Yes, Dr Corey Hughes is conducting Rejuvenation sessions at different spas this month and there is room for 1 more if you are interest. Yes! yes, I have heard of Dr Cori. I also heard it takes almost a year to get on her books. I’m in! Great sign here and they will call you to join the group. Oh, it’s a group session. Yes, would you like us to reschedule your appointments for today. Yes, any Friday will work.

Jade was sipping her water and reading the promotional materials on the session.

Dr. Cori Hughes gained her reputation from the research and work she did with families in trauma. She later created a practice specifically designed to uplift women. A practice she created from her own experience with loss of friendship and support.

An assistant appeared calling Jade’s name and led to into a room she had not visited before. There were 5 trendy recliners in a semi-circle with the middle chair open for Jade. She said hello as she entered the very quiet room and sat in the chair. She was now second guessing herself but remembered she said no doubt today. As she settled into her chair, she was given an eye mask with a calming chamomile fragrance to help them Relax before the session begins. Dr. Cori walked in, told everyone to remove their mask, and thanked everyone for choosing themselves to focus on today and allowing her to send them on a journey of reflection, discovery, and rejuvenation. She asked everyone to state their name and age. Deidra 35, Cathy 32, Jade 34, Elaine 27, Blu 35. At that moment Jade tried her best to look over at Blu without her noticing because she had to see if it was her best friend from high school and college. She tilted forward for a glimpse and saw that it was indeed her old friend. She began to slightly panic or feel anxious as Blu is the only person on earth she thought would always be her friend and knows the reason why they no longer friends today. Jade is now visibly anxious, and Dr Cori started the process with her. Dr. Cori– Jade, you seem anxious. Would you like to share why? Blu now also realizing it’s her old friend. Jade – Not really Blu interrupted and said, “she doesn’t want you to know that she’s done some terrible things in her life or at least to me”. Everyone looked over at Blu and then Jade. If Jade was standing in the room, she would have gotten the classic up and down look that we all know so well. Dr. Cori – Ok, let’s start there. Jade said “no, we are not about to make me the focus of this session, I’m out! Dr. Cori told her that she will not be the focus, we all hold on to things which equals stress, and we will strive to Release and Renew in this session. Jade feeling unsure but agreed to stay. Dr. Cori turned to Blu and asked her to share without accusations and details, the feelings she’s been holding on to. Blu – I feel hurt and sad. I have felt that way for almost 6 years. Despite having a good life with great adventures, underneath it all is hurt and sadness. Dr. Cori then asked Jade the same question. Jade – I feel lonely, sad, and sometimes guilty. Blu chimed in loudly saying I bet you do! Dr. Cori reminded her that we are not accusing anyone here. Blu apologized. Dr. Cori asked the others if they were holding on to feeling like this and they all agreed stating sadness and hurt lingered underneath their happiness. Dr. Corey looked at Jade and asked her where she thinks the guilt comes from. Jade – I made a decision years ago that to this day I’m not sure if it was the right decision because I know it hurt my friend while giving me life at the same time. Blu interrupted and said, “what’s a life without a friend?” You could feel the tension in the room as everyone knows the friend was Blu. Dr. Corey – Let’s use that. What is life without a friend? Elaine said “it’s a sad life. I have acquaintances but no one I can say is a real friend. Deidra says” I feel you on that. I have colleagues and 1 friend who is never available. Others chimed in and Jade said “It’s a life with stress because you have no one to share your deepest thoughts with. Even if you have other friends or even a spouse, having that 1 person or confidant you can share unconditionally with is powerful. Once again, when Jade speaks, Blu feels she has to respond but this time she stood up out of her chair and said to Jade, why? Why did you accept the job that was supposed to be mine. Why did you even apply after I told you I applied for the job? You were my confidant, best friend, sister! Why did you do that to me knowing how much it meant to me and would have changed my life? Dr. Corey told Jade she didn’t have to answer that question at this time that she would stay after to speak with her and Blu. Deidra said “please answer because I am holding on to something very similar and everyone agreed and asked her to answer. Now that the reason for Blu and Jade’s tension was out in the open, Dr. Corey felt a little shook as she recalled how she gave up her closest friendships because they were not as ambitious as she was and she too only had colleagues, not friends. I will answer, Jade stated. She looked at Blu and said, we were both at a transition point in our lives. We were becoming “real” adults, not just adults enjoying life with parties, shopping, men. We were at a place where we decided to begin taking our lives and career serious. We were both sharing job opportunities as we learned about them and when you told me about the job at IBC Tech that you applied for, I really thought my skills were better aligned with what they were asking for. Of course, I didn’t want to say that to you because I didn’t want to put any doubt in your mind that you would not qualify for that or any other job. When you told me that you hadn’t heard from them, I decided to apply for it myself. It wasn’t until the day of the second interview when I saw you in the waiting room that I realize you were still in the running. You never said to me that you were called in for a second interview. Blu was about to say something when Dr. Corey asked her to let Jade finish. My heart sunk when I saw you and could see on your face that our friendship was in jeopardy. Jade looked at Dr. Corey and the others and said, the job was a huge career boost and would upgrade your lifestyle if you know what I mean. So yeah, at that time I feel it was worth the shot. Obviously to you all, I got the job and lost my friend. Yes, I tried to repair the friendship but clearly that didn’t happen. It wasn’t until I heard Blu was getting married and I wasn’t the maid of honor let alone invited that I began to deeply feel the impact of my decision. Jade looked at Blu and said, when I heard you were having a baby, I fell into a depression. A depression that needed drugs to help me. Prescribed drugs by the way. I couldn’t believe I was missing out on your life! I thankfully came out of my depression, but I was never truly happy. I prayed that one day I would see you and we could repair our friendship and here we are. You could hear everyone taking a deep breath with tears in some of their eyes to include Dr. Corey who cleared her throat and said, thank you Jade. Thank you for sharing with us. Before Dr. Corey could say anything, Blu stood up, looked at Jade, and ran to her and hugged her. She cried as she shared how she missed her and how it was so painful to not have her at her wedding and when she had her baby. The two held on to each other as if no one else was in the room. They shared their apologies and Rejuvenated their friendship in that moment. Dr Corey said, “the lesson here for all of us including me, is to learn how to release, relax, renew, and rejuvenate ourselves. By this time the group was drying their tears, hugging each other when Blu announced, we should all go to brunch and the group cheered yes! And Jade is buying cause she is getting paid with my job! Everyone laughed and Dr. Corey said, this is great, and I will join you but first, I have a few phone calls to make to get some rejuvenation in my own life.


Summer Vacation Collection

Check out the story that inspired this collection by clicking the button below

“Honey! For the third time, our Uber is here!” “Coming, coming, Don’t worry, paradise will be there when we get there”.

Audrey and Melvin were excited about finally taking the honeymoon they didn’t get to have when they married 10 years ago. Within a blink of an eye, there was a quick Uber ride, a flash of their passport, and just an hour and a half left to reach their destination. Fortunately, when you live on the east coast, you don’t have to travel too far to feel you’ve traveled across the world. 

Audrey and Melvin couldn’t help but notice the crisp morning air as they stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac of this small airport. They overheard a couple say that there were no factories on the island, which is why the air is so clean. Jokingly Audrey said, hmmm, I bet it’s not that clean with COVID hanging around. She and Melvin laughed but agreed that they would not let the pandemic ruin their opportunity to soak in the beauty and pureness of this island. 

Audrey was a little surprised when they reached their 5- star accommodations as it didn’t look like the lush resorts of Jamaica or the cliff side villas in Sint Maarten where they have vacationed in the past. Their building, while painted in hues of pink as an homage to the pink sand beaches, was more like a bed-and-breakfast without the breakfast. Audrey was determined to make this trip feel like a honeymoon, and she had all the bells and whistles packed in her bag to make sure it would be a trip that they would not forget. 

Once they settled into their room, they headed outside to take in the property's beauty. It surprised them to see that the back side of their building opened to lush palm trees, turquoise water, and tiki bars everywhere. This is more like it, Melvin said. I told you paradise would be here! Yes, this is paradise, Audrey said as she took a Deep Breath of the pure air that made her know she was definitely not at home. 

Melvin gave Audrey a treat and booked a couple massage on the beach. When they arrived at the location on the beach, two masseuses who led them along the edges of the water to their destination met them. They stopped a few times to capture the marvel of what now looks like emerald green water against beautiful pink sand with black coral rocks with various formations in the water. Melvin was so taken away by the view, he jumped in and swim to the nearest rock. The masseuse screams for him to come back but he did not hear them. Audrey panicked and was yelling for him to return as well. She was torn between jumping in to follow him or listening to their guides. Her heart was beating so fast and without thinking, she jumped in and swam to the rock. When she finally reached the rock, she climbed onto the rock and began to explore, looking for Melvin. She carefully walked around the other side of the rock only to discover it was a private island for nudist and Melvin wasted no time stripping the overly sized swimsuit off “which she hated and tried to hide”. When she reached him, he said, “honey close your eyes, feel the tropical breeze blowing on your beautiful skin”. Audrey closed her eyes and became slightly aroused at the daring adventure of jumping into the ocean and landing on a rock with a nudist colony. Melvin told her it was time to let it go. Audrey was not sure what he meant, said let what go? Your bathing suit, Melvin said. We can’t fully enjoy ourselves unless you are willing to shed or rid yourself of your wordily possessions. They both laughed as Audrey said, “how dramatic!” just tell me to get naked! Audrey began to remove her suit, feeling slightly embarrassed but definitely excited. She knew by the end of this night, she and Melvin would have captured the passion they felt for each other the day they got married. Melvin grabbed her hand and led her to a tiki bar where he ordered 2 summer spritzers. While their drinks were being made, Melvin pulled Audrey close and asked her to dance. Excited in the moment Audrey twirled on the floor as he pulled her in even closer and she thought OMG this feels so good, then she remembered they didn’t have on any close and it felt so good because his package was being delivered straight through the doors of her pleasure. She did not stop him. Instead, she made sure he had access to all the rooms. As the sun set, they swam back with the others. When they reached their room, they were exhausted but love covered them as they reminisce on their first day of arriving in the crisp morning air with the pink sand and taking in the deep breath of the tropical breeze and ending the night with a summer spritzer in the buff. As they both drifted off to sleep, they both said, I can’t imagine what we will do tomorrow. 



IvyLives candles are more than a beautiful scent to fill your home with. They are a jar full of all the passion, creativity, and love that goes into making each candle special! This collection gives all the warm and bright scents of summer, and the story that comes with them leaves more to crave! I can’t wait to see and smell what’s coming next!
— Danielle W.
The fragrances are experiences; the candles are created from a love of the art and a pride in the work.
— Phyllis M
Each IvyLives fragrance is intentionally designed to awaken your senses. Lighting my IvyLives candle is a personal pampering treat.
— Anita W
Whew! These candles are the best! I feel like I’m on a tropical island with a pina colada in my hand every time I light my IvyLives candles. I enjoy candles first thing in the mornings to start my day off and again in the evening when I’m relaxing or entertaining. I definitely recommend IvyLives candles! 10’s Across the Board Darling!
— Ande J